Keystone North America

style #: 820113
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We are excited to bring to your table this beautiful, easy to learn, brain burning strategy game designed by Jeffrey Joyce and Isaac Vega.

In Keystone: North America, you and your friends will take on the role of biologists and work to build an interconnected ecosystem through the careful placement of cards. Use skills, introduce important Keystone animals, and perform wildlife research to maximize your points.

  • Players take on the role of biologists and work to build an interconnected ecosystem.
  • Players introduce important species into their ecosystems and complete secret objectives to increase their scores.
  • Players perform research on the different species found within their ecosystems to complete the objective.
  • Game includes more than 60 animal and plant species cards to inspire learning through game play.

There are multiple ways to play! Go head-to-head with other players to see who can build the healthiest ecosystem, or experience a narrative adventure with the Field Journal that takes the player across North America.

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